Your work is the stuff legends are made of.


There’s nothing ordinary about what you do.

There’s something about your work that’s mythic, larger-than-life. Epic, even. And frankly, if I may be so bold: That is the stuff legends are made of.

A good scotch can be legendary, too. And just like the making of a good scotch, remarkable design distills the energy of your work down to its essence. That essence is then pulled through into your brand design, print design, and digital marketing. And just like no one in their right mind would add crushed ice to a good scotch, we wouldn’t ever dilute the essence, either.


Mari Smith | Queen of Facebook

The designer who rode in on horseback.

Way back in 1999, I had two kids at home, a clean-enough house, and an equestrian sportswear side hustle. I drove around in my pickup hawking t-shirts and hoodies at horse shows. Long story short, I built my first website for myself, then started building websites for cowboys to help them sell their horses.

And though I’ve since traded my horses for motorcycles, I’m still designing for cowboys today. People who know what it is to get out on the trail or the open road, and let the wind blow their hair back. Folks who are grounded and as real as they come, with a touch of dreaminess about them – who still look up at the night sky to marvel at the stars. I do my best work in collaboration, and when the strategy, design, and message all convey the same energy – yours.

Looking for a designer with chops?

Here’s a wee taste of what our work looks like:


All collaborations start with a conversation.

Whether you know exactly what you need, or you’ve got an idea and would appreciate talking it through to make sure it makes sense and will get you where you’re going, let’s chat.

Once a month-ish

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